
You should write something on bitter people!

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One thing I have noticed is that some people are generally bitter and they want to take that bitterness out on others so that they can feel better. They are quick to point out other people’s faults and pull them down. These people are eager to spread nasty rumours even if they know that there is no truth in them just so they can hurt their fellows.

I find that women mostly do this, but men are to blame too. If they feel that they do not have a chance with you, they magnify your faults and tell all their friends they would not want to be involved with someone as substandard as you are, even though deep down they know that is not true.

I have been on this earth long enough to work out what to brush aside so I am not bothered with such people. However, I think it would be vital to write an article on this, something of a survival guide for young women out there so they know what to expect in life and how to deal with it.

Reena, Balaka.

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